This is a time when the Church is called to ascend to our spiritual vantage point and join in this battle, just as Moses prayed while Joshua was fighting Amalek on the ground! This is the time to call for an Esther Fast to approach the throne of God on behalf of His beloved people.
Brothers and sisters, it is imperative for the global Body of Christ to stand with Israel and its people. Our professions of love and support alone will not do it anymore! It is the time for action, including in the spiritual realm!
This attack is without a doubt rooted in the demonic realm as a manifestation of the Spirit of Amalek (see Exodus 17:8ff, Deuteronomy 25:17; 1 Samuel 30:3; Esther 3:1 & 8).
Two of the main manifestations of the Spirit of Amalek in biblical history can be found in Exodus 17:8, as Israel was approaching Mt. Sinai, and in the book of Esther as Haman – an Amalekite from the royal house of Agag (Esther 3:1; 1 Samuel 15:8) – planned to annihilate the Jewish people. These battles were won by unceasing prayer (Exodus 17:9-11) and by three days of fasting (Esther 4:15).
We call upon the Church to accompany this with ongoing prayer and fasting until this war against the Hamas terror militia is won.

President of International Christian Embassy Jerusalem